Story of The Netherlands

Panel about the tension between science and audience reach for the (largest) national archaeology congress

My roll?
Panel leader/mediator


The docuseries The Story of the Netherlands was a big hit: the viewing numbers were high, reactions were positive, and it created more historical awareness among viewers. At the same time, experts did voice their criticisms of the series. According to them, the context was not always portrayed properly, and they worried about whether this adaptation would create an incorrect image of the era in question. Still, certain choices needed to be made for the sake of TV. Therefore, after the series aired, a discussion panel followed between heritage experts and the creators of The Story of the Netherlands.

I was asked to lead the panel, since I had been involved with the program as an advisor and set-dresser, and also due to my interdisciplinary background in both science and public communications. This provided me with a neutral position to mediate this discussion. For example, I know from my work experience that text works very differently than images.

Not only did it create a sense of understanding for both sides, but lessons were learned for future projects.

Participants on both sides of the channel discussed their positions, motivations, and professional opinions. The result was a productive and constructive dialogue that brought both sides closer together. Not only did it create a sense of understanding for both sides, but lessons were learned for future projects. This way, the balance between the science of history and the art of storytelling can be improved with time.


The Stakeholder Game


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